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The following describes the parameters that can be set in the config.json file located in the root directory.

Parameter Value Description
ServerUri Example: / The hostname or IP address of the broker.
Port Example: 8883 The network port of the server host to connect to,
CleanSession true / false A boolean that determines the client type. If true, the broker will remove all information about this client when it disconnects. If false, the client is a durable client and subscription information and queued messages will be retained when the client disconnects.
Username Example: “MyUsername” The client id string used when connecting to the broker.
Password “mypassword123” Optional password for broker authentication.
Topics [“TopicA”, “TopicB”] An array of topics the client should subscribe to.
OverridePinLayout true/ false Determines whether the default vibration motor layout should be overriden. The default layout starts at pin index 0 and continues counting upwards by 1. When set to true a custom pin mapping can be set. See Layout to see how this is done.
Layout Example : { "0": 4, "1" : "6", "2" : "8" } A list of key-value pairs where the key is the original pin index and the value is the pin it is mapped to.