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Tactile Board

Here you can find basic information on the Tactile Board Android application.

What is the Tactile Board?

The Tactile Board is a mobile Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) device for individuals with deafblindness. The Tactile Board allows text and speech to be translated into vibrotactile signs that are displayed real-time to the user via a haptic wearable.

The following video gives a demonstration on how the tactile board works:

Tactile Board Demonstration Video

The application utilizes an online MQTT message broker to pass data between the Tactile Board Android application, the Tactile Board Listener and the ontology.

Getting started

  • Open the project in an IDE such as Android Studio
  • Sync the project with Gradle files
  • Run the application on device or in emulator


The application uses an MVVM architecture and makes use of several Android Jetpack libraries for navigation, databinding and lifecycle management.


  • Arthur Theil
  • Lea Buchweitz
  • James Gay
