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Getting Started

Python Modules

The game is written in Python and requires a number of Python packages which can be installed via the pip command in a terminal of your choosing:

Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi OS must be configured in order for the used interfaces to work correctly. To do this, open a terminal and enter:

sudo raspi-config

Next use the arrow keys to navigate to Interfacing Options and hit Enter. Here, the following two interfaces must be enabled:

  1. I2C
  2. Camera


  • If using a virtual Python environment, make sure to switch to that beforehand. Useful commands are:
source ~/.profile
workon your_environment
  • To run in debug mode, use the following command:
  • To run in a headless mode, use the following command:
    python headless

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Copyright © 2021 Affective & Cognitive Institute. Distributed by an MIT license.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 780814.