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The config.json file contains a list of settings. The following table gives a description of each parameter.

Parameter Value type Description
actuatorRanges array Determines which motors get activated when the angle between the marker and wearer gets calculated. These motors determine the direction the wearer of the haptic wearable should move towards.
arucoDictionary int Which set of aruco markers get detected. View OpenCV documentation for further details.
button_gpio_pin int Which gpio pin on the Raspberry Pi is used to receive push button events.
calibrate boolean When the game starts, should the calibration process for the camera be started?
camCenter array A value that gets calculated during the calibration process. Value is taken from camera intrinsic matrix.
camMatrix array Camera intrinsic matrix. A value that gets calculated during the calibration process that is used for undistorting images captured by the fisheye camera.
camera integer Determines whether a webcam camera(=0) or external camera(=1) is used.
catchThiefAfterTime float The amount of time since the start of the game that has elapsed until the agent can catch the thief.
dangerTime float The maximum amount of time the agent can be in a danger zone -that is when the agent is too close or too far away from the suspect. Surpassing this time results in a game over.
distortCoeffs array Input vector of distortion coefficients. Calculated during camera calibration and used during the frame undistortion process.
focalLength float Focal length of the camera. Taken from camera intrinsic matrix calculated during calibration process.
frequencyClose float The frequency of the vibrations in seconds when the user’s distance to the average position of all markers is smaller than minDistance.
frequencyFar float The frequency of the vibrations in seconds when the user’s distance to the average position of all markers is larger than maxDistance.
frequencyOptimal float The frequency of the vibrations in seconds when the user’s distance to the average position of all markers is greater than minDistance and smaller than maxDistance.
gameDuration float The maximum duration of the game is seconds.
logEnabled boolean When enabled the LoggingSystem writes detected markers and the calculated distances and angles into a csv file.
markerWidth float The width of the markers in metres.
markers dictionary Maps the id of a marker to a side (“left”, “front”, “right”, “back”) that corresponds to the side of the suspect.
maxDistance float The maximum distance the agent can be away from the suspect in metres before the agent is determined to be too far away and thus in “danger”.
minDistance float The minimum distance the agent can be away from the suspect in metres before the agent is determined to be too close and thus in “danger”.
shoulderMotors array The index of the motors used to convey the “stop” and “start” signal.
resolutionX float Resolution of the camera in the X dimension.
resolutionY float Resolution of the camera in the Y dimension.
targetLookAtThreshold float A threshold that determines when the suspect is considered to be facing the agent.
timeStep float The rate at which the game is updated in seconds.
useFisheye boolean Is a wide-angle camera being used?
ServerUri string The endpoint of the MQTT online broker.
Port int The port of the endpoint of the MQTT online broker.
CleanSession bool When the clean session flag is set to true, the client does not want a persistent session. If the client disconnects for any reason, all information and messages that are queued from a previous persistent session are lost.
Username string Username for MQTT authentication.
Password string Password for MQTT authentication.
SSL_TLS boolean Enables or disables SSL/TLS support.
Topics array An array of topics the MQTT broker should subscribe to when connecting.

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Copyright © 2021 Affective & Cognitive Institute. Distributed by an MIT license.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 780814.